Friday, July 07, 2006

having fun

ok i take back my last statement regarding the ceremony being one that was boring...(well besides the fact zhenhao managed to take a pic of yanwen sleeping and me dozing off with my mouth agape during the keynote address...)

think the fun was brought in by us really.. our inane comments about the next batch of scholars, our sniggering at model-answer replies during the video segment, our sniping and shooting at each other, everything was really really fun. it was like we used the rehearsals as a chance to meet up and maintain these friendships and have more fun..

and yeah I'm very VERY glad to get to know all you people and have so much fun through the rehearsals, the outings and so on.. think we really bonded through the whole experience, something which I honestly never expected at the start. =)

to my fellow barkers, wow.. you all were honestly the most fun bunch of people ever.. making the most boring situations of being trapped on a sailboat on a windless day enjoyable and funny from the psychomotor water bottle manouevres, the inane first object, 2nd object, 3rd object rubbish to the great polar bear games... hehe.. got to know each and everyone well and yeah.. really had a blast..

to my singers.. (or most of Sui Sen then), hehe.. thanks for listening to all the director crap i was spewing and haha being so enthu about singing the medley solos even though I know some of you weren't very onz about it at the start.. think though it was a pity we didn't get to perform it, it was really really fun to have practiced all the dance moves, reheased our parts again and again @ fengyi's house and then played rounds and rounds of battlefield/cs which had me gunning down for zy.. out performance was really magical and beautiful and haha.. GREAT man.. good job guys!

to the unbelievably bitchy 6 other guys who endured the england-portugal match with me - liksin, zy, daniel, zhenhao, lawrence, darren, WAH... thanks for err.. making the matches so much more memorable with the ridiculous arrows being fired out from all quarters.. with you all shooting form my being innocent protests, and wah.. somehow now the arrows ALL shoot to me le even when i never do anything. unfair man! Liksin you are the one lor who diverted all the attention back to me.. wah evil man.. hope you dun get anymore chocolixir.. (thou one day muz bring me down to go try.. hehe)

to my DOTA gang! wah.. even though i sucked so badly and was nOOb like mad.. hehe.. loved the games and the fun, justin your jokes were VERY jialat and not funny... dun get affected by Weihao... and Weihao.. STOP rupturing me either in real life or in the game.. -_- haha.. you're honestly the lamest, quick-thinking guy I've seen and it takes alot of mental wit and equivalent lameness to pre-empt you and battle it out.. haha

hmmz.. to the rest of the most havoc, most fun, most "self-indulgent" and most rebellious bunch of scholars, WE ROCK MAN! haha.. really felt like prom night once again with all the photo taking and swiping of food, mistaking coke as red wine, and hehe.. the orignal masterminds of the A*STAR fiasco,(u noe who?) had really the most fun for a long long time le. honestly think it was a good choice choosing DSTA for my scholarship cos of y'all.. let's hope we can maintain this manic relationships through our working lives.. haha

oh... i can't possibly upload the whole load of photos.. so yeah.. go to here for the pictures!

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