Wednesday, July 12, 2006

battered, bruised and beaten

ouch! not gonna say much today as I nurse my soon-to-be-much-worse neck ache. kena bitch-slapped by the water so many times I nearly went into concussion at the last few times...

so much for a triumphant return to the cable ski waters. more like "splaat!" as ego and man were battered about playfully by the waters. i probably won most deproved award as I switched from being zen-like about things (aka lk) to just wailing about the board not being the one I used.

oh well. hmmmz.. was fun lah overall.. would have gritted through all the pain and tried my best to at LEAST make it one more round but.. wah serious.. there comes a point of time when even a sane man with as much resolute comes to terms with the fact he's psychomotor-deficient for the day and any further attempts who just trigger further headaches and concussions.

yeah. i finally threw in the towel after being bitch-slapped so badly by the water that honestly my head was gonna burst I was alternating between semi-consciousness and concussion mode. serious. my face was red not from sunburn but from the many times I fell face flat with a humongous splat.

talk about understanding how others felt. hmmz.. well if u wished me ill will or so lk, then well your wish was granted. and yeah.. i got to feel how utterly sian you must have felt after accomplishing so little. hehe.

ahhh.. what the heck. had fun and that's it lah. did many silly things, didn't quite concentrate (which probably explains alot... haha.. finding excuse again)

gonna sleep early tonite and pray I wake up feeling well enough to function for the rest of the day. zzz

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