Friday, July 21, 2006

the boom is your greatest enemy

nothing beats the feeling of zipping through the waters, hiking out nearly completely,(i scared mah) and then hearing the humming sound as your sailboat literally flies over the water..

hmm.. having a slight case of vertigo still as though i'm still sheeting in the sail and having my boat keel whilst I struggle to balance it. my laptop seems to be sliding away from me and I'm sub consciously "hiking" back against my chair... haha


past two days have been really fun besides the occasional nasty encounter with the boom which somewhat has an uncanny affinity for our heads.. ouch man.. for me i was initially pretty skeptical of being able to enjoy myself and so on cos I kinda suck @ psychomotor stuff and scared whole day capsize... but hey.. after realising that it is darn simple to right your boat back if u capsize, and finding the breeze so comfortable when you sail fast, wah.. i must say it's worth it man...

another fun part is the gastronomical treats that I've been introduced to thanks to the "experienced" easterners of Haoxiang, ZY, WeiHong and so on.. which makes me feel as though I have quite ill-treated my stomach for the past 20 years.. like no real good s'pore food one..haha

one more day left.. hope can really look and feel pro whilst manuevering the boat instead of my current clumsy motions whilst ducking as the boom sweeps past and my yelps when the strong wind comes and keels my boat as I struggle to stay in control.. oh yah.. also hope can like tack and gyb correctly and end up in the correct direction without spinning too much and just completely lose my bearings..

quite tired and quite burnt.. waiting for next day le..

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