Friday, June 23, 2006

barking mad

had a blast at OBS thanks to the superbly fun and motivated group I was in. Barker rocks! haha.. made many friends in mere 5 days and yeah, had lots of fun despite the muck and grime that accumulated..

guess when you throw 13 people aboard a cutter sail and ask them to cooperate to operate the sailboat, it is inevitable that people would bond. but honestly I felt what made the trip so fun was the fact that our group was the perfect mix and loud, spontaneous, bubbly personalities with the quiet, observant and motivated others. so yeah, as the days went by, we "forgot" out roles on the sailboat and instead were playing inane games like "Johnny Woosh" and "Fuzzy Wuzzy", laughing till it hurt at people's incomprehension of the riddles and so on..

think the ultimate was playing "Polar Bear" till 1.00am on the last night where seriously I think I never had so much fun defending myself or psycho-ing villagers to kill others. (yah, i ended up mis-killing 4 people and was deemed a stupid villager.. -_-)

with regards to conquering fear and stuff, honestly.. haha.. i KNOW i have slight fear of heights, so honestly I'm pretty proud of myself for finishing the Giant's Ladder with the help of Lip En.. haha.. thanks dude. and yah, just had the realization that hey, I don't have to necessary be GOOD at everything, sometimes I can just be pretty sucky at stuff but hey.. it doesn't matter... just learn and try your best!

Another thing that I realized was how you don't actually need a leader, or bossy people to be around for things to be done. Our watch was seriously "barking" mad at times but hey, we functioned efficiently and pretty much sought out each other's opinions..

so yeah.. really enjoyed myself.. nice change before I head to US.. hope it's as fun there, but more clean! my eyes are shutting le.. g'nite!

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