Thursday, April 27, 2006

apparent misery

hmm.. i'm a lil' miffed and envious...

2 of my close army pal's have departed on a asian road trip from malaysia to china, which honestly is DARN cool. like WOW.. that's alot of mileage to cover.. and its like all my talk of a stupid europe trip came to naught after considering the frightful cost and here are people really pulling off such a nice tour.. kudoz to ed and jack man...

then most of my camp dotaz gang and close frens are in ROC enjoyng their R&R phase after a dreary exercise.. probably gorging themselves silly with the XXXL chicken and shopping like crazy.

then suddenly the schedule of certain people from my old gang now makes meeting them even more difficult than meeting the Pope. honestly... it's quite pissing off to keep trying to plan smth in vain. so I'm hecking now.

so all I'm left with is my drooling over Katharine.. haha.. which ain't such a bad deal.. but.. hmmmz

aiyah.. honestly i'm just grouchy.. i'm leaving on a jet plane myself soon next week.. but nothing's planned in Japan still.. it's like free and easy to the extreme. which honestly smells like disaster to me.. err.. hope not lor.

back to my dreary life of horrid essays and compre papers... bleah

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