Friday, August 25, 2006

the madness begins

first day of school

had asian studies followed by lasers followed by com science lectures back-to-back from the morning and I was frantically struggling to keep awake. oh my.. i'm startin' to feel a lil' screwed man..

well i(or should i say the insane singaporeans) kinda deserve considering things have somehow evolved into a credit hoarding mad-fest where everyone is taking 20up credits and just like expecting to survive it. i dunno man. i was pretty optmistic till i was slammed a writing assignment within minutes of the first lecture which asked for a SHORT essay. and dude, SHORT ain't supposed to mean 3 - 7 pages long!!

sadistic man. i even thought i was like some pre-class joke until I really saw the assignment. -_-

well, all the homework and crap prompted me to scurry down to cornell store and pyramid mall to grab textbooks and other stationery supplies.. and hey! i packed my room clean!


and of course.. along the way, I couldn't resist but get another self-gratificating item.. viz,

and honestly i think i need a proper camera from now on.. grrr

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