Sunday, August 20, 2006

freshmen 15

there's this schting called the "freshmen-15" syndrome whereby u at least gain 15kg of weight when you study in US cos of the gigantic portions of food and the horrid muggin schedules...

at first I was pretty adamant about such a thing but now I'm wondering whether its just gonna be inevitable and inescapable liao. diaoz. food @ cornell so far is good. it's so good we pile our plates up high and go for seconds of desserts and so on. well at least guanqing and wanjing did.(i opted for bananas instead after before thoroughly scared by the amount of food crap I was digesting)

the exercise is difficult and we are all cheating ourselves if we taking walking to and fro from North Campus to Engineering Quad is gonna make us lose weight. and like honestly weather's freaky here. i was like SO determined to go run today in the afternoon. SO determined i jio-ed like 4 diff people to go run... then it had to rain. AND rain. and it's still fricking raining now after I have patiently waited in my room for 3 hours planning my schedules and so on. and oh, as I'm typing this, the rain is seemingly giving me the nod of approval by raining even heavier. -_-

sigh. so sad. when can i go run man?! =(

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