Wednesday, August 09, 2006

great leap forward

i'm emotionally pretty confused tonight, being the last nite in Singapore le.. it's a mixture of regret at not being able to spend more time in Singapore with frens, anticipation of going overseas mixed with slight apprehension/fear of the unknown and having to adapt to a radically new change in my life.

looking back, sometimes I think I've quite lost my rationale for wanting to go overseas so desperately during JC time le.. think it was a combination of wanting to do liberal arts as well as just the prestige of going overseas and experiencing winter, the great outdoors and so on.. now, when reality settles, I'm actually pretty scared. it's a great leap outta my comfort zone, outta my overreliance from my oft-paranoid parents, outta the circle of friends I have built up through the years, outta the 7 months of holiday and fun... I have a feeling it ain't gonna be easy adjusting, but well think it would do me a helluva good being more independent, being self-sufficient, and just "growing" up.

haha.. so maybe this was what I needed. whatever it is, there's no time for backing out le.. everything's been set into motion le, and I barely have time to sit my last 410 trip back home, to eat chunks of satay and fried rice amidst the sweltering heat at joshua's party, to get squeezed in the mrt train back home, to spot all the NUS students wearing that blue flag day shirt today and consciously avoiding them(haha)..

it's really happening. heck, i can't blog le.. msn flooded tonite. forget it. =)

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