Sunday, February 19, 2006

second chances

warning: boring, christian-theological post ahead.. i needed to clear my head a bit...

i've always contemplate the stance of my church on various issues, and have always admitted that grace church is somewhat conservative in some ways... today @ bible study, a pastor mentioned something about our religion being one of infinite second chances, a faith concerned with the reconciliation with God from our deviant and Godless ways. Who are we to condemn others who have seemingly sinned bigger sins like adultery and even divorce when there's no obvious distinction between "bigger" sins and "smaller" sins? Are we giving out this "exclusivity" vibe to others, repelling them because of the sins they committed before when we ourselves are probably wallowing in our own sins daily and in need to pray for forgiveness daily? and honestly, who came up with this severity chart for sins -- is it purely societal driven, where society and culture influences the depths of rights and wrongs?

then again, I am fearful of falling into the trap of being overly liberal with my thinking. it is simple - am I coming up with excuses and justifications of a faith that has been steadily deviating with the gospel truth? are we over compromising our stances yet again to fit what society whats to perceive as right, and in fact deviating further from what the bible says?

another arguments comes into play.. are we interpreting the bible correctly, with all the presonal interpretations and cultural and era biases infused in it? will anyone have sufficient intelligence to be able to understand what God truly wants for us or are we honestly grasping for some light in the murky darkness? fact is, I realised today how amazingly pathetic huamn beings are as compared to God... we think, we attempt to intepret, we attempt to understand, we throw out theories, we debate furiously through forums, yet honestly are we getting anywhere closer to any answers? or is nature merely laughing at us when we prod a little into her mysteries and find yet another vast labyrinth of unsolved questions?

then we think we can use moral standards to gauge rights and wrongs.. yet Romans said that morals can easily be corrupted and changed as with the times... there's no empirical standard for morals and hence no way to ensure it does not shift according to what the times dictates... we think we can use our emotions and innate feelings to "do the right thing", yet the Bible explicitly tells us not to indulge in bodily feelings and stuff... so what can we rely on?


we have no hope except to cling onto God's love for us and our faith to him..

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