Saturday, February 18, 2006

i am a dirty slob

man.. i think i'm going to DIE when i actually live alone. hehe

it's like i was so grateful for our weekly household helper to come around and clean up the muck and mess that has accumulated in our house since my parents left on monday.. and trust me, it WAS a mess. first was the unearthed dust and grime from my room revamp (which is honestly in a pretty pathetic state.. sigh), then it was me being idiotic and spilling nearly 3/4 of the contents of my cup noodles onto the dining room floor on monday itself...

that's like the worst calamity that could have befallen on me during that period of time. cos it wasn't the nissin cup noodles that's pretty small, it's the big bowl type of cup noodles with extra sesame oil toppings and so on.. and honestly, if there's anything you can spill, sesame oil-ed noodles probably tops the charts.. you have the muck of noodles swimming around this sea of oily water...

my lame attempts at mopping up and cleaning up were pretty sad.. cos my sis complained that the floor was sticky and the sesame smell still lingered.. -_-

i never ate at home from that day on. too much risk! haha

so it was a GREAT GREAT RELIEF to step into the house and feel the smooth surface of the floor brush past the soles of my feet again.. THANKS ALOT!! =) (honestly, i got pretty pissed off with the household help last time cos she was a like an alarm clock from hell on my friday sleep-ins where she would like purposely come to my room first thing in the morning at like 9 plus and start vacuum cleaning my room... sigh..)

today was spent mainly at camp trying to be mediator, mentor and ICS2 helpdesk personnel yet again... oh yah.. and my main job of signing my name on an impossible amount of paperwork.. SAF, seriously cut down on this paperwork shit man! it delays every single job (including the payment to ME for the $300 of ice cream i bought for the bn!!!), and it forces whichever appointment holder to like what, be desk bound and office bound for his whole tenure?

like when my S4 went on nearly a 1 month overseas leave, all the logistics stuff was like cuiz cos no one could sign any AORs or approve all the monetary stuff besides CO, who of course is darn busy himself... so like everything pile up for no good reason...

oh well... should be sleeping soon.. k-lunch here i come again! hehe~

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