Saturday, November 19, 2005

let's make a deal...

i'm tired, grouchy and going to sleep soon, considering i need to do a presentation for da-zhuan tommorow.. i'm doing on? iconoclasm... something which I'm not too sure of myself, cos the intricacies and politicking occurring during the Byzantine Christian era sure doesn't concern me...

in fact, sometimes i really feel sad when I read about all the "human-ness" that has gone into the religion, making it so political, so competitive, so ridiculously confusing, making it STAINED. just like salem. just like the crusades... sigh.

but ok, leaving all these religious analysis behind, I must say I enjoyed myself thoroughly today, playing interesting board games at minds cafe...

guess the fun was because we made pretty much the most noise bitching and talking rubbish and trying to form alliances to stop the dominant winner from winning... oh well... haha... was fun trying to broker deals, build pyramids and so on... call it lost childhood... think these days the kids dun even have a chance to play board games...

it's straight into the eye-straining, non-interactive computer games...

quite sad rite? oh well

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