Monday, October 31, 2005

university rankings

was blissfully unaware of the recent newspaper article citing the Top 30 universities list and how Singapore is ranked high up in the 20-ish spot whilst Penn is languishing somewhere below...

then wham! bam!.. my parents started this furore over applying for other universities instead of only Penn, saying "Why don't you try to Duke(14?)", "Why don't you try for Cornell?"

Damn you stupid ranking lists! Damn you for misleading worried parents and the likes just so to glorify our national university..

Man, if people just used a miniscule fraction of their brainpower to think, they would quickly realise there are multitudes of ranking lists for all different criterias and the shit. Our idiotic newspapers just goes about choosing the list that puts NUS on the highest possible ranking, then publishes it on the newspapers like it is THE ranking, hence deluding masses of worried parents and the likes.


whatever lah. this still reminds me to really hurry up and apply my other universities.. it's become a sore point with my parents liao

Take THAT you Stupid ST biased list!

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