Thursday, February 14, 2008


i had my first winter wipeout as I was attempting to run out of the house to get to the gym. slipped and fell flat, clutching my iphone desperately to save it. and yeah, in the process found myself sprawled on the floor, knees scrapped by the cruddy snow and keys strewned across the white mess.

i hate snow. they say that the first winter is the worst. bullshit. every winter is SO miserable, and the notorious february 14th snow that cancelled school last winter has unfortunately decided to spread itself out thin and slather the whole place with mounds and mounds of snow. which then melts slightly due to the salting of pavements, but then ices back into semi-skating rinks in the cold night. geez.

speaking of wipeouts, well, snowboard has been REALLY REALLY FUN. it's like a breath of fresh air and confidence to zoom down mountains relatively confidently, feel the cold breeze commingled with a sense of adrenaline embrace u, and just.. the thrill of black/blue slopes. =) perhaps the only joy of winter.

i was telling everyone how i wished it would only snow on friday such that we go boarding on saturday, then snow melts on sunday, and we have summery days for the rest of the week. rinse, lather and repeat. oh wellz. wishful thinking

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