Friday, May 23, 2008

destination: franklin

wow.. what a frenetic few weeks.

exams are done and hopefully i've done well. i aimed too high this semester which kinda is causing heartache but oh well..

went to franklin, NC for the past few days to see andrew and kinda meet his friends/family etc and honestly it was a blast. honestly, i'm kinda astounded how i've been in the US for 2 years and counting and yet have never (i) touched a football (ii) done yard work (iii) crashed an american house for meals.. etc etc..

so honestly, i was intrigued by the simplest things and yeah.. it was great cultural exchange. we went rock climbing, cliff jumping, went behind a waterfall (that was so cool), chilling at local cafes, doing yardwork (haha!) and just.. well, to me it was kinda the quintessential american experience.. which kinda was the best thing for me since coming to US. haha!

and it's just so random when i look back at it. kinda really is God's hand and God's grace involved.. yeah.. Thank God!

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