Sunday, December 02, 2007

back to the slopes! (and the books)

woot! final week of this sem just ended! besides several glimpses of fun this sem has been DREARY with the capital D. but well, now it's time to regroup study hard and do well for finals! =)

played like 4 hours of settler's yesterday and hit the slopes today @ greek peak to fill my fun quota before a week of mugging.. heehee.. settlers, to me, is one of the fun-nest games ever cos there's so much psychology involved in the game and it's so much of talk. and snowboarding was pretty painful and disheartening initially, as we only attempted alpha slope (noob man!) and fell like crazy initially on the icy slopes. ouch! but well.. then the muscle memory kicked in and things became much better.

so well.. 3 finals to go! countdown starts!

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