Saturday, September 22, 2007

i'm still writing..

i kinda think i've lost my writer's inspiration.. maybe it's too much darnded essays.... but heck, i'd write whatever comes to mind. =)

i kinda realize i like teaching stuff.. ok maybe not really teaching, but explaining stuff to people and like understanding it better in the process? I kinda quite enjoy my AEW sessions already because I feel like I am actually doing something useful.. lol.. it's like some childhood desire of wanting to be the teacher, setting questions, teaching stuff and so on.. yeah.. it's kinda quite fun actually.

hmm, other musings? after reading ziyang's blog and seeing his resolutions.. yeah.. i wanna make it my own resolutions as well... get to know more non-Singaporeans, get to know more non-Asians, and yah, just be more sociable. lol..

i noe some of you all reading this must think i'm siao and think i'm already sociable and talk too much already but.. hmm i think i'm like the adapted sociable person.. like i need to feel comfortable and assured before i actually socialize and start talking. which made the first year quite frustrating and difficult, in terms of making more non-sg frens and just being more open.

it's the situation we're in also i guess. like i'm surrounded by singaporeans throughout my lesson and it leaves no gap for others to sit around, discuss questions etc.. i dunno, i somehow feel we're in like a bubble amongst ourselves.. wonder if that's what others think about us as well..

so yeah.. i think i really quite screwed my dorm living, ending up closing my door most of the times, just not socializing (partially also cos i can't stand partying till the wees hours and being crazy..) but yeah.. hopefully this sem i can like put down the wariness and just reach out, talk to more people and stuff. i mean, that's also part of uni life..

alritey.. i'm gonna kunz now.. it's soon time to study for that miserable crap called 202

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