Saturday, June 16, 2007

dachau looks like telok kurau

hallo! i've reached munchen though not before paying a visit to Dachau. Mention Dachau and the history students would gawp and conjure up images of torture camps, gas chambers and whatsitnot that fits with their concentration camp schema.

actually, dachau in itself is a tidy, quiet surburban area that really resembles telok kurau in many spots, something i pointed out to joshie as we embarked on a STUPID 3KM walk from the haupbanhoft to the concentration camp via this "path of remembrance". -_- yeah and I was the one who suggested it.

wellz aniwez, it was impressionable because it was the exact path the Dachau prisoners marched from the train station to the camps. 3km. without food or whatever. hmmz.

well whatever pleasant feeling i had quickly ebbed away when i entered the concentration camp. despite the cheery blue skies and the breezy wind, somehow there was this pressing, stifling feeling of disgust, horror and anger that permeated the grounds as one realised how the whole place was a torture and killing factory.

we viewed the barracks, meant for 200 but fit 2000, then viewed the crematorium and even entered a gas chamber which was thankfully not used in those times. yet, being in the EXACT rooms depicted in videos showing unspeakable horrors and piles of mutilated bodies just makes just about anyone feel disturbed.

so it was with heavy hearts that we left dachau and headed for munchen. and the weather seemed to agree with us as it fouled up and started pouring as we reached Marienplatz, the city center. so no choice, haha, eat @ burger king where YET AGAIN there isn't turkey bacon double meal or mushroom swiss!!! argghhh!

and now its back at the hostel. which IS really a judgengasthaus (youth hostel) cos it really does have quite alot of activities and has youth. haha.. quite unlike the youth hostel in berlin. nice to be able to stay in a whole range of accomodations.. can't wait for DORINT SOFITEL day. lol

can't wait for tommorow as well... ciao!

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