Friday, January 05, 2007

the problem with the name

i finally deduced how my com science score was intially posted an F on JTF, sending me into a panicked frenzy to correct the socre and right my GPA before my scholarship board comes and murders me.. well look at my name.. it's written in US as

> Liheng Chen F

-_-.. which pretty much means anyone who couldn't be more bothered would easily mis-see an F and assume that's my grade. man.. the upside is that hopefully F is so far-fetched from reality that I would be able to detect it immediately.

hmm.. which prompted my dad to want to change my name to Adam. -_-

Well, aniwez, time really flies now that my sis has finally gotten married and has flown off for her honeymoon (hey.. SIA provides free cake for honeymooners..) soon my family will pretty much vanish off Singapore with my other sis flying back to Japan, me flying to US and my parents flying to China.. geez.. another inevitable stage in life i guess...

which brings me to the wedding. really mixed feelings about it, first because I was the banquet IC and was wah.. bustling around worrying about video, worrying about bridal march ins, coordinating emcees, having to put extra chairs for uninvited guests (-_-).. when i finally realised that the hotel people have MUCH better experience and skills in this and handled everything really well.. lol

but the main thing is the idea of losing a sis to another family, to have a familiar face that has shared a home for so many years finally start her own family and separate.. hard to describe the feeling, but i guess acceptance of this fact is yet again another inevitable step as life progresses...

oh well.. pictures hopefully should come soon... me and my sis both agree heartily - that we look much more charming when we actually shut our mouths.. -_-.. hehe

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