Thursday, June 04, 2009

paris misadventures - the dance edition

now i know i should be sleeping and stuff, considering i need to clamber out of bed at around 8+ to get rid breakfast/lunch before heading off to tour a whole slew of sites in paris (hehe.. that's homework btw to the jealous cohorts) but then heck it lets recap the few days

this has been nothing but wow.. a whirlwind ride of fun, a sense of having to push ones boundaries, push myself outta my little meek self and haha.. well, a chance to heal from the bruising last semester has brought about. i'm getting there i suppose.

street jazz class was an insane blitz of cardio but a very cool phrase that errm.. honestly i couldn't coordinate my arms and feet too properly for several movements but nonetheless, it was super fun. man, i really wish i could be even remotely flexible, because as it stands, i feel damn paiseh to be like looking as though i'm not even trying when doing some stretches simply because i can't do it and in actuality i'm shaking all over. lol

the alvin-ailey inspired jazz class was the next one i chose to take. it said debutant, which i took to mean easy-peasy warmup introduction to stuff. color me all forms of wtf-ness and just pure shock when the instructor launched into an insane assortments of balletic combinations (given up trying to write them in french) as warmup. note: warmup. -_-. but honestly, the movement phrase was really smooth and beautiful, mixing martial arts fluidity with a certain strength and power in movement. woweee.. i really like it, even though for a second succesive lesson, I was tired and just completely spent.

haha.. hmm that's it for now i guess.. 8 more dance classes to try out different styles.. wonder what i should go for next. lol

more paris misadventures (and yeah i should probably talk about paris itself soon) coming up

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