Friday, April 20, 2007

my jokes are falling flat

geez.. is it me or is it just that my jokes are getting too obtuse and incomprehensible?

try this:

what do you call an ernie with more than one brain cell?

ans. pregnant ernie.


and yeah..there were luke-esque levels of silence, but not because it was godawful lame but bcos no one understood. wy had to badger me to explain the joke to her twice before she got it. -_-

try this:

overheard in campus-
clueless girl A - arrrgh! i can'ts find STAFF on ratemyprofessor!
clueless girl B - yah! and he's teaching sooo many classes!

and yeah, again sheryl said it wasnt funny, same with josh. -_-

i'm losing my touch man. haha..or maybe i had none. lol

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