Sunday, March 04, 2007


wah.. seriously now badminton + snowboarding makes up life le. SO SO SO FUN!!!

haha.. still remembered first few lessons we were like struggling down alpha slope thinking that turning was shit difficult and crap. now.. lol.. besides err.. some carefree pple, everyone zips down pretty much in 5 seconds flat.

fun. now trying all different slopes, love Karyatis.. thou getting sick of it really soon.. and also trying the blue slopes. thou honestly i think the difficulty is not only in skill, it's also in courage to go faster. else you will just wanna heel everything, which doesn't make sense when going down the blue/black slopes.

so yeah.. one more week left. sianz! today was extra cool cos the weather was a cherry warm of 4 - 0 degrees celsius and the snow at the top was still pretty decent. furthermore, it started snowing yet again whilst we were finishing our snowboarding.. pretty! somehow snow on the ski resorts just look much much nicer. hee

alrite. back to my circuit design.. sianz

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