Sunday, January 27, 2008

reality show updates

- i think aryn is pretty and did not deserve her bottom 3 placement. jay should be kicked off.

- methinks ronnie and shannon did the best job, with ronnie's pic being the absolute best. honestly, perry/casey's hardly made any sense and well.. wasn't in anyway sexual chemistry.

- amazing race lives up to it's reputation of having amazingly SHITTY endings. That's 12 seasons I've watched and so far the only winner I've supported was rob and brennan from the original TAR.

- PR's ricky needs to stop crying, and thank goodness that sourplum of a Victorya is gone.

- Survivor Micronesia is gearing up soon. and I am rooting for my past favourite, Ami. And FYI, Mark Burnett, I scarcely would think Amanda and.. omg what's that black guy's name ARE NOT favourites. give that to peih-gee.

- TAR:Asia sucks so badly this time round it isn't even worth watching. It is NOT the Marc and Rovilson show please.

- JDMA actually edits janice dickinson to be quite a real, caring character. i'm surprised that i'm actually rooting for her to succeed.

- American Idol is boring with a capital B. Just gimme my top 12 to skewer already.

sigh. all that's said and done, crushed dreams are the most fragile things of all.

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